Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Take A Break In Life When You Needed!

Udah 3 buku yang gue lahap dalam seminggu. Haha,semuanya tentang korea. Hihi ^^~~~
Gue tau itu bukan prolog yang baik dan benar.

Gue dapet tiket #BigSoundFest gratis. VIP pula. Tapi gue jual. Karena gue ga dibolehin nonton sama nene gue. Awalnya gue berontak but at the end of it all, gue nurut sama nene gue.. eonnie gue bilang “jangan nonton kalo ga dapet restu,ntar kualat lhoo” yah gue sih agak ketohok sama apa yg dibilang eon gue.. terus gue juga mikir, kalo emang rezeki, #SS5INA gue pasti dapet!!! *nahhahhh pede xD*AMIN 200000x**hihuuuu,kalo gue dapet tiket #SS5INA gue bakal nonton itu!!! No matter what!!! Gue harus nonton
Nah, and about all things that done by itself, gue jadi mikir, apa iya gue mendapatkan ini karena sebuah keberuntungan?? Gue hoki?? No!!! Gue menang karena gue bisa!karena gue punya peluang. Dan gue pun memanfaatkan peluang itu disaat yang tepat dengan usaha gue yang maksimal. Dan juga, tangan ALLAH SWT yang bantu gue :))))) for everything that given that’s all from ALLAH.
Doa. I pray. Don’t forget to pray cause it also helps much. I pray for everything that i did will went good and be succeed. And i also put my effort in my body in my soul!! I did my best of the best to get the best! I know i seem desperate and hopeless but they only see me from one angle. But inside i know i’m strong,brave,and tough. So i pretend my self to do best. Capture the part of my life to see another side of me. Haha, it’s not impossible. Neither you nor anyone else saw everything of me so you didn’t know me. Ahahaaha!

I don’t let the other to see anaother side of me except for some special.
A side of me is always different each other.
I don’t give a shit from people who judge me weird.
They don’t know what they did to other,cause they never think of somebody else.
For every words in this world is spoken for some reasons.
But i’m used to talking to my self. I don’t like much to talking with somebody else of me.
Haha, introvert. Yeah. I think when i scream inside it’s better. No, i don’t want to depending on someone else.
I used to enjoy the loneliness very much. Many people say, they love to having a lot of friends... but, i don’t say so. Loneliness is my friend. My only one way to gettiing good. I know i’m not perfect, but i don’t try to..cause, i can’t be perfect. I can’t change for who i am.
Saving the real me forever is the only way.

One is true, no love no worries.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

More Than Quotes

remember, chasing is exhausted. waiting is wasted. so?

haha, gue jadi inget tentang alasan kenapa gue buat quote seperti itu. yup, karena gue giving up buat ngejar elo. hihi. parah gue, baaru kaya gitu aja gue udah nyerah, yah tapi kalo emang ga bisa \gimana? gue kan ga bisa memaksa sesuatu harus sesuai dengan keinginan gue..

It always took a heartless when you feel reckless. And many unreasonable words were only slipped out.
disaat lo kurang perhatian, lo jadi heartless. dan dalam keadaan seperti lo jadi lebih sering ngeracau. jadi, be faithful saja lah :) walalupun semuanya ya ga sesuai dengan keinginan kita...

No matter if the sky is falling, time rushes, everything would be forever, this feeling never eats away this heart of mine
desperate can be something who built  up your own strength. be brave, stay strong :) you deserve better than this. you just need to lookin arround you, see and find the people who trully love you no matter who you are!

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Litte Thing About Me

Gue tipe orang yang penakut,soalnya kata nene gue, gue lahirnya pas pagi, makanya gue penakut. Nah,. Yahsoal penakut,itu emang bener gue orangnya penakut. Gue takut sama anjing,tikus got, tokek,dll. Terus,gue juga takut sama yang namanya “kehilangan” yup,melankolis banget ya gue. Gue takut kehilangan lo. Ya elo!*nunjuk ke orangnya* takut kehilangan teman yang baik,pendengar yang baik dan penghibur yang sangat hebat seperti elu *nunjuk ke orangnya lagi*. Gue tuh baru nyadar kalau ternyata sebagai teman lu selalu ada buat gue,dan gue harap gue pun begitu. Jujur,semua perlakuan yang telah gue lakukan ke lo itu,pure, ga ada sangkut pautnya soal hati. Karena, ini kasusnya beda. Dan gue gamau ngelakuin itu,gue hanya bersikap profesional terhadap teman*nah*. Yah,gue kaya gitu karena gue udah mikir bahwa,gue itu hopeless.... no more chance lah istilah kasarnya. Gue sama lo itu udah aga ada kesempatan buat jadi lebih dari teman,makanya, gue menikmati hubungan dimana kita menjadi teman,yup teman! Nyesek? Ya,pasti lah. Tapi gue udah terbiasa,terbiasa menjalaninya,dan gue ga punya hak buat komplain ke elo. Wong kita Cuma temenan-_- terus gue juga selalu berpikir positif tentang pertemanan kita, gue selalu membuat sugesti terhadap diri gue sendiri, bahwa, saat iini gue gaperlu takut untuk kehilangan elu,yup,kehilangan elu sebagai teman!no, gue ga takut akan hal itu, karena apa? Karena gue yakin dan sadar bahwanya pertemanan kita itu bakal stick together! Kalo bisa ngelebihin Hansel and Gretel.. eh itu mah mereka sodaraan ya-_____-

Kebersamaan kita sebagai teman aja itu melebihi ekspetasi gue ke elo. Gue harap kita bisa terus jadi teman ya J

We’re good friends,forever! Cause, you’re my only ever lasting friend!

Coffe and Evening!

Biar keliatan gaul,mau ngeshare juga ah tentang #KopiPertamaDiSoreHAri ala gue nih.......................

gelasnya pake gelas hasil tukeran kado pas perpisahaan kelas IX di Lembang.hehehehe

Cruel Confession in ?

Oke, twit gue sedang limit-_- jadilah sekarang gue beralih ke blog. Dan kebetulan sense buat nge posting muncul, jadilah sekarang gue disini, di depan layar sembari ngetik apa yang ada di dalam hari,pikiran,dan perut. #eh

Self Capture

I’m weird and i know it. Maybe some people aren’t like me at all. But i think, “WHO CARES?”
They don’t know me, eventhough they know my story they can’t judge me.
I may be insecure but hell yeah, i enjoy it. No matter how hard people try to get me down, at the end of it all i ain’t got time for that.

I am ME! You are You! I’m not YOU! Either you!

Outta of...

Revenge? No, i don’t take take hesitate about that.
I just want the KARMA happens.
Like what i already thought, Karma is when God plays. She never sleeps, and She never doesn’t know anything!
God has made this way for me.
I’ve been throught the fears. Make out the mind. And think better better and never look back for the shits that passed away.
Like human who always back to their nature. When you fall down to knees, yoou’ll fall into your past mistakes for somebody. And i hope it also will happen to anybody.
And you tryna to get up by your own strength.