Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Last Monday for the New Year!

jangan galau kalo malem gini ga ada acara apa-apa,malahan kalian harusnya tuh seneng. dalam islam itu dilarang acara seperti ini,karena dalam islam tidak ada perintah untuk merayakan tahun baru masehi, acara seperti ini adalah ajaran agama nasrani. jadi mendingan dirumah aja terus beribadah supaya tahun 2013 nanti menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik :)  #gadisUmroh

haha, itu adalah suatu pencerahan buat gue dari temen dekat gue di sekolah,nia herawati.yup, melewati malam pergantian tahun ga cuma pesta-pesta di luar sana. nonton tivi bareng keluarga buat ,meber2 nya yg jarang ngumpul aja ituh udah jadi anugerah, stop galau di 2012,marilah kita menjadi pribadi yang lebih ceria dan psotif di tahun 2013!

then, soal resolusi, sepertinya gue tarik lagi.cause, gue merasa kalian ga perlu tahu aja :p hehe *peace up
i already settled up my 2013's resolutions but I prefer to whisper them than to shout out em all over times.

be better than before always be my priority for every years that i've been throught.

good bye 2012 no one words can explain how amazing you were for me! and for everything i just can thank you! thank you God. and please welcome the Prosperous 2013 :)

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Flashback Peristiwa di tahun 2012

selamat menyambut tahun baru 2013 semuanyaa! semoga semua harapan terbaik anda menjadi indah pada waktunya di 2013!

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Founding Mother

Tuhan, kenapa aku galaauuuu -____-" ??
Tuhan, biarkanlah dia tahu kalau aku CINTA dia
Tuhaan, sudikah Kau mengasihi hambamu ini???
Tuhan, kenapa cucian emak belom kering-kering ????

yup, for every questions that's always GOD who knows the answer. *ribet euy
yah, sebelum kita masuk ke inti, gue cuma mau kasih tau aja buat para stalker-stalker sejati, lebih baik kalian tobat deh jadi stalker. cos, jadi stalker itu lebih banyak dampak negative-nya dari pada dampak postivinya. contohnya? gue. gue semenjak jadi stalker lebih sering langsung migrain saat ngeliat timeline stalking-an gue. ,malah tambah ngedown liat timeline doi yang isinya SEMUANYA tentang DOI. stalking itu emang sih menjernihkan apa yang selama ini menjadi hal tabu *kebanyakan nonton silet nih* tetapi dalam sisi lainyha juga, stalking itu malah bikin pikiran jadi tambah kacau IF yang di stalkingin itu malah beda dari HARAPAN stalker *kaya GUE* well, kayanya soal stalking-menstalking sampe sini dulu.

then, liburan kali ini kayanya liburan paling absurd.dimana I never got a simply holiday.  yup, liburan yang bener bener kerjaanya cuma mandi,makan,tidur. hah, kayanya IMPOSSIBLE gue bisa dapetin liburan kaya gitu. namun, kelak gue harap gue bisa ngejalanin liburan yang kaya gitu. (y)

balik ke inti yang sebenernya gue gatau apa itu inti dari semua ini -_-" yaitu, makin kesini gue makin gundah sama hati gue sendiri.jadi galau kalau malem-malem,dan akhirnya merembet ke tugas-tugas rumah gue yang agak terlantar belakangan ini. that's all beacuse of you :"(
should i take a regret? kayanya ngga deh. nyesel itu ga guna kan kalau terlambat.?
so,i told you that I FOUND SOMEONE. then, should i tell you who is he exactly?
no.let time would tell you. or, it would found you to me? *heeet
let it be by itself darling =D

lirik lagu ini layaknya seperti gue......

I found you in the darkest hour, I found you in the pouring rain
I found you, when I was on my knees
And your light brought me back again..

yang ngga peka sama keadaan itu gue,bukan, now i know that I FOUND YOU

Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

WHAT A ...... ?

weleh, bulan december udah mau habis aja kerasa tahun 2012 bentar lagi bakal berakhir dan gue masih tetep aja jadi jones a.k.a. jomblo ngenes.ya allah.hahaha. gue sih ga sedih sedih amat jadi seorang jones, toh, titel JONES itu bukan jadi problem buat gue untuk sekarang ini. jones?so what?! *duileeeh
next step, gue sih hanya fokus ke PSG yang udah di depan mata. yap! PSG tinggal satu bulan lagi,dan gue harus bisa ngelaksanain PSG dengan lancar,ga boleh buat kesalahan sekecil apapun, dan bgue harus disiplin,hopefully gue dan temen-temen gue bisa! SMK BISA!! (y)

i think that my one last hope for this moment seems like can be true cause i just got some way to make it happen. yah,alhamdulillah seorang gue, seorang RATNA yg agak tablo ini, mendapat kesempatan buat mewakili jurusan gue buat ikut lomba LKS tingkat Jakarta Selatan,yah, sejujurnya gue sih agak ngeri dengernya secara, gue jarang ikut perlombaan kaya begitu.dan otomatis waktu liburan gue bakal keisi sama acara wara wiri ke sekolahan buat latihan bareng kaprog gue. hm, wish me luuck aja deh! cause, if i won that competition i'll get some rewards,kaya dapet beasiswa buat masuk ke UNIVERSITAS dan otomatis ngewakilin team jaksel di tingkat DKI-Jakarta #amazing

hopefulluy it went well juga yah buat gue! gue juga sadar kok bahwa sebuah MIMPI dapat menjadi KENYATAAN apabila kita mewujudkanya. dan itu semua butuh yang namanya PENGORBANAN. so, semangaaaaaat bul!!!! yakin bisa!

"you're never gonna know if you never even try"

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Picture-picture ku -_____-

dibawah ini adalah beberapa karya-karya masterpiece gue *ceilaaaah karya karya masterpiece ini lahir karena digdaya keisengan gue disaat tangan kiri gue keselo-_-
walaupun hasilnya ga seberapa tapi,... yah lihata aja sendiri deh =D

before it's too late, before we mend, let me say I LOVE YOU!

 my personal stuff serve some heart emotions and heart sayings about you!

Hall Of Fame

The Temper Trap

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

One Moment and One Event

Akhirnya setelah cukup lama bergumul dengan perasaan sendiri gue berhasil untuk membangkitkan kembali mood nulis gue. daebak ratna!!! :D hehe, so kali ini gue cuma mau share share sedikit tentang beberapa peristiwa yang udah mampir ke kehidupan gue akhir-akhir ini.seperti berikut :

  1. Jalan-Jalan ke Pusat Kota Jakarta 
yap, maksudnya gue disini nemenin si @zigosmycota buat ngambil kaset di Funky Studio 99ers Radio Jakarta yang terletak di Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. doski dapet kaset itu sebagai hadiah karena doski menang kuis di salah satu program siaran mereka. tapi pada awalnya doi gale banget buat ambil hadiahnya itu sendirian, jadi dia ask someone buat nemenin dia ke menteng, dan gue mengiyakan tawaran itu. yuhuuu, sekalian juga gue pengen tau kaya apa Funky Studio 99ers dan refreshing sehabis UAS-___-. asli pokoknya perjalanan ke Menteng itu berjalan dengan penuh godaan batin *halah maksudnya seru banget!bener-bener kaya orang udik yang baru ke tkota,ngeliat gedung pencakar langit sampe dengak-dengakin kepala *itu gue T_T
komentarin anak SMA yang pacaran di halte bus,pea dalam bereksperimen minuman big gulp salah ngambil cup buat Big Gulp di SevTeng *sevel menteng dan klimaksnya adalah saat detik-detik mau ngambil kaset di Funky Studio 99ers. mendadak kita berdua terserang panik mendadak karena Funky studionya itu lagi rame-ramenya.haha, bener-bener somplak banget deh pokoknya moment-moment itu, dimulai dari gue yang ngabisin big gulp gue kaya kuproy *cepet banget gue minumnya brow dan si @zigosmycota yang panik tingkat dewa. Padahaaaal, cuma ngambil kaset doang gitu tapi panik bangeeet-_- yah memang gitu lah, remaja jaman sekarang, always make a little thing becomes a big thing-_-.then kita berdua akhirnya mampu ngambil kaset itu dari Fdj-fdj yang kebetulan ada disitu, yaitu Fdj Cali Faisal dan Fdj Loopy Affandi yang sumpah,aseli mereka gokil maksimal!hahaha. Alhasil si mycota dapet 2 kaset yaitu kaset sheila on 7 dan ungu. Gatau karena kesambet sama setan di menteng central atau apa si @zigosmycota memberikan gue satu buah kaset yang doi miliki. ahaha,agak speechless, cos gue ga ngarep2 apa dari Trip To 99ers kecuali REFRESHING.ahhaha, but thanks yow :D
intinya,gue berterimakasih banget karena udah di ajak ke menteng,kapan-kapan kalau lu menang hadiah dari 99ers lagi ajak ajak gue ya buat ngambil hadiahnya ke Menteng,jalan-jalan lagiiii :D dan jangan kapok yo bul.thankyou pokoknya =D

2. Fallen From The Motorcycle and Crashed by Machine -__-

ini adalah yang terparaaaaah! gue ditabrak oleh motor dan gue jatoh man! beruntung adek gue yang gue boncengin ga kenapa-kenapa. gue sebagai driver yang kenapa-kenapa! iyaks, tangan dan kaki kiri gue sukses keseleo semi parah. pergelangan tangan kanan agak nyeri dan paha kiri agak sobek sedikit.sesungguhnya pada saat kejadian itu gue pakai jaket jadi tangan gue ga ada yang lecet. dan gue juga pake celana kolor yang sebetis tapi paha gue yang lecet ya-__- aneh. yah tapi gitu deh.
pokoknya disini gue gaakan cerita ttg kronologinya, masih trauma gue. so, gue cuma berharap gue gak akan ngalamin kejadian buruk kaya gitu lagi dan pastinya gue harus lebih berhati-hati dalam berkendara!

well, sampe sini dulu postingan gue. mohon maaf kalo tulisan ini agak kacrut.wong yang nulisnya aja juga kacrut,ehehehe,pokoknya keep writing deh buat gue!!!

" Be careful for everything. Cause everything always have a othes side that can get hurt you!

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Sweet Nothing₰

you took my heart and you held it in your mouth 
and, with the word all my love came rushing out
and, every whisper, it's the worst
emptied out by a single word
there is a hollow in me now

so i put my faith in something unknown
i'm living on such sweet nothing
but i'm tired of hope with nothing to hold
i'm living on such sweet nothing
and it's hard to learn
and iy's hard to love
when you're giving me such sweet nothing
sweet nothing, sweet nothing
you're giving me such sweet nothing!

[Beat Break]

it isn't easy for me to let it go
cause i swallow every single word
and every whisper, every sigh
eats away this heart of mine
and there is a hollow in me now

so i put my faith in something unknown
i'm living on such sweet nothing
but i'm tired of hope with nothing to hold
i'm living on such sweet nothing
and it's hard to learn
and iy's hard to love
when you're giving me such sweet nothing
sweet nothing, sweet nothing
you're giving me such sweet nothing!

and it's not enough
to tell me that you care
when we both know the words are empty air
you give me nothing!


[Beat Break]


Sweet Nothing!


Sweet Nothing!!

Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris feat. Florence Welch

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

►Lego House - Ed Sheeran ♫♫


I'm gonna pick up the pieces
and build a lego house
when things go wrong we can knock it down

my three words have two meanings
there's one thing on my mind
It's all for you

And it's dark in a clod December, but i've got ya to keep me warm
and if you're broken i'll mend you and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now.

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
and out of all these things i've done
I think i love you better now.

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
i'll do it all for you in time
and out of all these things i've done
I think i love you better now.

I'm gonna paint you by numbers
and colour you in
if things go right we can frame it, and put you on a wall

And it's so hard to say it but i've been here before
abd i'll surrende rup my hart
and swap it for yours

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
and out of all these things i've done
I think i love you better now.

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
i'll do it all for you in time
and out of all these things i've done
I think i love you better now.

don't hold me down
i think my braces are breaking and it's more than i can take 

And it's dark in a clod December, but i've got ya to keep me warm
and if you're broken i'll mend you and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now.

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
and out of all these things i've done
I think i love you better now.

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
i'll do it all for you in time
and out of all these things i've done
I think i love you better now.

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down
and out of all these things i've done

i would love you better now.

Ed Sheeran- Lego House

The Relatable Quotes Of Last November

" Life without doubts. Don’t need to care each other. Don’t need to know each other. "

" Never look back at the past. Cause, it's just a past, now you should let go the past! "

" Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. "

" Hope less, do more! "

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

► Don't You Worry Child - Sweedish House Mafia feat. John Martin

Don't You Worry Child Lyric

►♫♫There was a time, I used to look into my father’s eyes
In a happy home, I was a king I had a gold throne
Those days are gone, now the memories are on the wall
I hear the sounds from the places where I was born

Up on the hill, across the blue lake,
That’s where I had my first heartbreak
I still remember how it all changed
My father said
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child
See heaven’s got a plan for you
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry now
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child
See heaven’s got a plan for you
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry now
Ooh ooh ooh oh!

There was a time, I met a girl of a different kind
We ruled the world, thought I’ll never lose her out of sight,
We were so young, I think of her now and then
Still hear the song reminding me of when

Up on the hill across the blue lake,
That’s where I had my first heartbreak
I still remember how it all changed
My father said
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child
See heaven’s got a plan for you
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry now

Don’t you worry, don’t you worry child
See heaven’s got a plan for you
Don’t you worry, don’t you worry now
Ooh ooh ooh oh!
See heaven’s got a plan for you
Ooh ooh ooh oh!